Get the Gratitude Attitude
If you didn’t grow up in Southern California you might be disenchanted at his time of year for the lack of definitive seasons! Longing for the brilliant color of leaves and the cool crisp air that says HEY it’s FALL!!!! If you grew up here you are well aware of the subtle seasonal differences because…
Read MoreAn Adventure
Meeting a friend on the train to go to Los Angeles feels like an adventure! There is something anticipatory about waiting for the train. I rarely take public transportation when I’m “local.” The convenience of my Honda is like putting on my favorite jeans… comfortable and predictable. But the train… It’s an unknown. Who might I…
Read MoreThe Grass is Always Greener…
Last week in Southern California many of us were anxiously awaiting summer and then we were beat over the head with a muggy heat wave!!! The point being is that too often it is hard to be satisfied in the moment. We plan for the future and yet can get stuck living in the past.…
Read MoreCreate Balance in Life
Whether it is between our personal or professional life, family or friends, physical vs.mental health, maintaining an appropriate balance can be very difficult. It takes effort, time management, ability to prioritize and a clear understanding of who we are as an individual. Our values and beliefs become more clear and decisions are easier when we…
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