How to Conquer Holiday Lunacy
In my youth, I was perplexed at how the holidays brought out the “lunacy” in people. I discovered there were, and still are, three main ingredients that trigger this insanity. It’s the retail merchants who break out the holiday merchandising displays combined with daylight savings and cooler fall temperatures that propel otherwise normal people down…
Read MoreTouch The Car
I was reminded the other day while walking through the parking lot at Costco of one of my most useful safety terms for children…”Touch the car” meaning my car. A little girl all dressed in pink approximately 3 years years old was wandering down the middle of the area of the parking lot with no…
Read MoreBack to School Reminder- Social Graces and Kindness
Now is a great time to remind your kids about social graces and kindness. Going back to school is often filled with the challenges of new friends, teachers and personalities. Being uncomfortable with the unfamiliar can cause kids to talk about people and situations in a negative way. This has the potential to influence the…
Read MoreFind Delight
It is almost 4th of July when we take time to celebrate our country. We gather with friends and family to enjoy and appreciate the freedoms we have in the United States. Many years ago while at a firework celebration my heart was touched and in awe. It wasn’t the music playing while the sky…
Read MoreGet Your Feet Wet
Re-live the joy of summer and connect to water! Most of us have fond memories of a childhood moment where we had the freedom to lollygag and play in the water. It doesn’t matter if it’s the beach, a lake, the pool, a fountain or the garden hose. Just do it! Take some time…
Read More“NO” is Not a Dirty Word
Small children are often told “no” in order to shape their behavior and keep them safe. We don’t allow them to wander the street or scream endlessly at the top of their lungs while at the dinner table. We tell them “no” and redirect. Then, there comes a point when a child proudly announces with…
Read MoreThe Greatest Gift
Ready? Set. Go!!! Christmas and Hanukkah are fast approaching. You have probably been bombarded with advertisers telling you how much money you can save if you spend! Layaway has been resurrected and you can do all your shopping online. Your email and mailbox are competing for your retail attention. There are decorations, trees, candles, and…
Read MoreHappy Father’s Day
Fathers who take time to nurture, teach, support and love their children (no matter how old they are) are truly a gift to the universe. Thank you to the men in my life who have allowed me to experience and be witness to their dedication, inspiration and love.
Read MoreAmour = Comittment
Periodically something really touches my heart and I find myself continuing to process the experience or how I feel. The film Amour is not action packed, suspenseful or humorous but accurately portrays the struggles of an aging couple. The love was obviously shared over decades and then the heartbreak of bearing witness to the mate…
Read MoreLeaving Normal
Recently I stopped to chat with one of our Villa Park neighbors and recognized she had entered the land of “where is my life.” Over the past year there has been significant health issues with her husband and his mom (now on hospice), her own physical problems, along with 2 children under the age of…
Read MoreDo You Know A “Lindsay”?
The world is full of “Lindsay Lohans.” They keep people working — like attorneys, judges, law enforcement, correctional officers and me. I have been working in mental health for 20 years and addiction, chaos, and the law have all been a prevalent theme surrounded by depression and anxiety. While I appreciate the intent of compassion…
Read MoreAnimal House
Is your house an “animal house?” Not the kind filled with hormone invaded teenagers or wild frat boys in college but a home that has a pet attached to you and your family. In my mind, an animal house is a home that incorporates animals into everyday living. There are people who have never owned…
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! You are probably making promises and commitments to yourself in honor of the new year and focused on looking forward to the future. Traditional resolutions are actions that we are determined to do or not do. Lose weight. Get Fit. Be organized. Eat healthy. Quit smoking and/or drinking. My resolution from last…
Read MoreReflection and Preparation
Reunion a gathering of old friends or family. I have noticed that as humans we… ready ourselves for the event! Weight loss, fitness, face lifts, travel and extra parties.There is planning, excitement, anticipation, and fun. Facebook and a website are helping to create the buzz. It has been a pleasure to witness the process. Always…
Read MoreAnother Day…
Today is a new day. Different and magical in its own unique way. I thought yesterday was whimsical because I saw an egret flying over my yard in the morning as I watered my flowers. The day was filled with life… sadness, confusion and inspiration. Connection and support everywhere. And then today came… On my…
Read MorePower of One
It only takes ONE! It only takes one person to change a mood or pick a fight. One event, like 9/11 or the break up of a family, can change how we experience the world. It takes only one person to speak up and share an idea and it only takes one to listen. We…
Read MoreTechnology – A New Frontier
My daughter is off to college. I am now forced to learn how to operate our 52” flat screen TV among other things. There are 3 different clickers that are responsible for specific functions and I know how to use one of them…sort of. Remember when TVs were designed as a piece of furniture? Or, in the…
Read MoreSummertime Blues
Summer is here! “May gray” and “June gloom” are gone. We have just celebrated the 4th of July! So now what? Summer just does not have the same meaning as an adult. The days are not as carefree. We don’t get to roam the streets looking for someone to play with or sleep as long…
Read MoreThe Value of Men
It is early Mother’s Day morning and I have decided to change the article I am to submit tomorrow. I was thinking about my children and Mother’s Day. Then I thought about my husband…which led me to thinking about how we all fit together. I have been accused of “male bashing” especially when it comes…
Read MoreAnd The Winner Is
Academy Award season just ended and the winners have been announced. The nominees for best picture included The Fighter, True Grit, The King’s Speech, and Social Network to name a few. They all have one thing in common. Conflict. It is what makes the story worth telling. There is a natural tendency of human nature…
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